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Blog Articles

Dr. Peter Ford and other vein specialists attending the HPS Conference.

Behind the Curtain: A Vein Doctor's Journey of Self-Improvement

Dr. Peter Ford of Vascular Solutions shares insights from a vein specialist conference, highlighting cutting-edge varicose vein treatments and collaborative learning. Discover how this expertise benefits patients seeking advanced vein care in Charlotte, NC
Sep 3rd, 2024

Got a Leg Wound? Could Be a Vein Problem

Does your family member have a wound around the ankle that has been there for a while and doesn't appear to be healing? If so you may be interested in knowing that vein problems are one of the most common causes of skin wounds around the ankles.
Sep 16th, 2021

Parents - don't neglect your veins

Sometimes parents put their own health issues on the backburner. If you're a parent with unsightly leg veins or leg symptoms, now is the perfect time to get your legs evaluated. Check out our timeline for better legs - and stop neglecting your veins!
Jul 28th, 2021

Is air travel bad for my veins?

Whether you are a frequent flyer, once-in-a-while traveler, or a flight attendant, you may have found yourself asking whether flying is bad for your veins. Sitting in a stationary position for any extended period of time is not great for vein health.
Jun 30th, 2021

Men get leg vein problems too!

Varicose veins are surprisingly common in men. Millions of men have bulging varicose veins and spider veins on their legs. This article focuses on the problem of varicose veins in men. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jun 10th, 2021

Physician Assistant Spotlight: Kristin Hartman PA

In today’s medical spotlight we explore the role of physician assistants and explore how a thriving local vein practice is using physician assistants to deliver detail-oriented, quality care.
Jun 3rd, 2021

And I thought I was just getting old...

Achy, tired legs can be the first sign of a condition called venous reflux. Many people with vein problems find themselves taking rest breaks through the day. If you find yourself sitting when you should be going, it's time to get your veins evaluated.
Apr 17th, 2021

Pandemic Wind-Down – Get Your Legs Back Into Gear

Lockdowns, school closures, social distancing, and working from home... With all these changes, it has been easy to put health maintenance and medical issues on the back-burner. Now's the perfect time to get your legs back into gear.
Mar 20th, 2021

Why Am I Always Propping My Legs Up?

If you find yourself propping your legs up, you may have a common vein condition called venous reflux. People with vein problems often experience tired, aching, heavy legs, and get relief of symptoms with leg elevation.
Oct 22nd, 2020

Met Your Deductible? - Get Your Veins Fixed Now

If you've met your deductible it may be a great time of year to get your veins fixed. Furthermore, the cooler fall weather makes now a perfect time to undergo varicose vein procedures. Get evaluated by the leading vein specialists in Charlotte, NC.
Sep 24th, 2020

You're So Vein, You Probably Think This Song Is About You

Varicose veins are a common problem that affects people in surprisingly different ways. Some people have mainly cosmetic concerns, but many people develop chronic symptoms. Learn more. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 30th, 2020

Are varicose veins dangerous?

All right, I have varicose veins, but what now? Can varicose veins be serious? Are painful varicose veins dangerous? Find out about potential complications. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 5th, 2020

Hmmm... Do I have a vein problem?

Do you have varicose veins? Do you have unexplained aching legs? It's possible you may have an underlying vein problem. Get the low-down from Dr. Ford, the best vein specialist in Charlotte. | Veins Charlotte Blog – Solution Solved.
Jun 23rd, 2020

Benefits of Vein Treatment

What are the benefits of varicose veins treatment? If you've been dealing with varicose veins, spider veins, leg fatigue, or leg swelling find out if vein treatment may benefit you. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jun 18th, 2020

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Feb 20th, 2024

Driving with Varicose Veins - Should I Be Worried?

Do you have varicose veins? Ever wondered whether it's risky to drive when you have vein problems? This article explores answers to these questions. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 22nd, 2020

Renaissance of Vein Treatment - That Was Then, This Is Now

The treatment of varicose veins and spider veins has advanced exponentially over the past 20 years. This article provides an overview of the amazing advancements in varicose veins treatment. Veins Charlotte Blog - Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 20th, 2020

Phlebitis vs DVT

What's the relationship between phlebitis and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? What type of doctor treats phlebitis? Is phlebitis dangerous? Explores the answers to these questions. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 18th, 2020

What's the best vein treatment?

The best vein treatment depends on a variety of factors. Key considerations include vein size, vein location, procedure cost, and success rates. Find out more. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 15th, 2020
Phlebitis - Image

What is phlebitis, and what’s the best treatment?

Phlebitis is a condition where a leg vein and surrounding tissues have become inflamed and irritated. This article tells you what to look out for, shows you some phlebitis pictures. Veins Charlotte Blog - From the Vein Specialists at Vascular Solutions.
Jul 12th, 2020